Give Online

Give Online

A woman with red nails is holding a cell phone in her hands.

You can make a difference!

Thank you for your partnership in ministry with us. We're so grateful for the financial gifts given to allow us to continue the work of accomplishing God's mission and vision for our church. Please know your generous giving is making a difference for the glory of God at our church.


A black and white drawing of a circle and a square on a white background.
Church by MinistryOne App

Download the Church by MinistryOne app and search for Bible Baptist Church of Bradenton.

Text to Give

Simply text "Give" to 941-877-6605, and follow the link to give.

A black and white icon of a triangle with dots on it.
Give Online

You can give online through easyTithe by clicking the "Give Online" button below.

Give Online

Recurring Donation Policy: Any donor wishing to cancel a recurring donation, please provide a 30 Day written notice of the change or cancellation to the Bible Baptist Church office or Bookkeeper.

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