Visit Us



Before visiting a new church, there are always plenty of questions and concerns. We want to put your mind at ease. From the moment you and your family step on our campus, you will notice that we are more than just a church. We are a family. Our services are encouraging. The music is beautiful and inspirational. The preaching is practical and pointed. We will do our best to make you feel at home. To help make your transition into our church family as smooth as possible, here are a few answers to questions you might have asked.

Where are you located and where should I go first?

You cannot miss our 30 acre property located one mile down 57th Street East off of State Road 64. If you are traveling on the interstate, you will exit at exit 220 and travel west approximately one mile to the stop light for 57th Street East. Turn left here and continue one mile to the church on your left hand side. A current map of our facilities and Sunday School classes have also been provided to make sure you know right where to go as well as another schedule of weekly services available.

Campus Map / Location

What ministries do you have and what is here for my kids?

We have tried to outline a few of our ministries in the ministries web page. There you can find a detailed description of a sampling of the ministries we offer. Since kids programs are such a big consideration for families, we are pleased to inform you that we have many opportunities for children and teens to get involved in their church.

What are your Church services like?

Our services are designed to be a help and a blessing to your family. Our song services are enthusiastic and inspirational. Our music is blended. Our Pastor shares with us Bible based messages that are motivating and life changing.

How should I dress?

There is no dress code for members or for guests attending our church. Living in Florida you find that life is casual. We focus more on the person than we do the clothing.

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